
Who am I?

Hello there! My name is Demian, also known as Codeah online. I'm a twenty-one-year-old Software Developer living in The Hague, Netherlands.

I am experienced with a wide variety of creative tools and technical skills and speak fluent English, Dutch and Russian. Adapting to new development tools, workflows or programming languages has never been an issue for me. However, my current primary technologies are Typescript and React. Some of my projects include: a Discord currency bot written in Golang that is currently active on around 600 servers, serving roughly ten thousand users. An anonymous secret-sharing website written in Python using the Django framework and an open source typing game written using the Arcade library.

Aside from programming, I also enjoy playing the guitar, playing the keyboard and producing music. Within my lifetime I have lived in multiple countries for a few years at a time, familiarizing myself with multiple cultures and traditions.